Pension Planet Interactive supports financial advisers, employers and trustees in administering company pension schemes.
Through our online tool we offer comprehensive information on the company pension plan details and investments, as well as a wide range of administration tools. For example, the functionality to process leaving service options, or add and/or update member details.
Pension Planet Interactive is highly valued by our customers and has won prestigious industry awards.
Key features of Pension Planet Interactive:
Comprehensive Information
Last Contributions
Risk benefits
Scheme and member details
Fund selection and fund price history
Add Members Online
Add members individually or in bulk
Comprehensive validation rules
All members added in real time
Correspondence generated immediately in the document library and sent out automatically
Document Libary
Member pension benefits statements
Completed leaving service options
Member joining correspondence
Process Leaving Service Options at a touch of a button
Retirement, Early retirement, Late retirement, Withdrawl or Ill health retirement
Payment Express
Paperless and secure submission of pension schedule online
Payment Express allows those responsible for submitting contribution breakdowns to Irish Life Corporate Business to key in their breakdowns online, in a secure manner. Find out more.
Secure Path
Secure Path allows you to quickly and easily send scheme sensitive information (e.g. pension contribution schedules) to Irish Life Corporate Business securely and effortlessly.
No need to buy additional encryption software. Find out more.
More Tools and Information
Pension Prophet
Risk Profiler
Investment Centre including monthly fund factsheets, weekly and monthly market commentary and daily prices for all funds
User Management Function for broker offices
Tooltips and guidance through the system
If you wish to register for Pension Planet Interactive, click here