News - Irish Life Corporate Business

How 'nudge theory' can improve pension provision

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  Published in: The Irish Times   An element of behavioural science is nudging people towards better pension provision, says Sean Egan, Head of Sales at Irish Life Corporate Business.   “Getting people to engage with pensions can be hard for human resources and benefits managers,” says Sean Egan, Head of Sales at Irish Life Corporate Business. These are the people that typically offer employees a menu of “flex benefits” to choose from, including income protection,… Continue reading →

Life, Savings & Investments an Irish Life Overview of the Budget 2018

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Capital Acquisitions Tax (CAT)  There have been significant changes to the CAT (gift and inheritance tax) legislation over the last number of years, starting with the substantial reduction of the tax free thresholds and an increase in the tax rate to 30% in 2012.    Recently, some of the ‘more popular’ reliefs and exemptions have also been amended to restrict their usefulness. Most notably the relief for agricultural property which was altered to ensure that it can only… Continue reading →

An outlook on pensions by Tony Lawless

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  Tony Lawless, Managing Director, Irish Life Corporate Business   Finance. You might be pretty clued-in, but have you ever wondered how savvy we are as a nation? The answer is not very, if the research we carried out is anything to go by. We want to help change that.  The research we commissioned found that many Irish adults are struggling to understand personal finances and pensions in particular.  Take retirement. We all know it’s coming, but how… Continue reading →

Research highlights the frequency of smartphone usage in Ireland

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90% of Irish adults own a smartphone.  As well as to make calls, most people use their phones to check emails (87%), social media (71%) and news/weather (67%)* 28% of people check their phone all day everyday* 79% of Irish people check their phones using public transport* 12% of people admitted to checking their phones while driving* Recent research* conducted by Irish Life gives an insight into the ownership of smartphones in Ireland. The research showed that nearly… Continue reading →

Irish Life Staff Charity Abseil Event

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More than 120 Irish Life staff abseiled down the front of the iconic Irish Life head office building in July 2017 – raising over €100,000 for this year's selected Irish Life Staff Charities. Our chosen Charities for 2017  MS Ireland MS Ireland is focused on providing timely, person-centred services that create independence and choice for those with MS and their families. They provide… Continue reading →

Capital Protection Fund Update August 2017

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In August 2017 we are making changes to the availability of Irish Life’s Capital Protection Fund. The Capital Protection Fund is currently closed to new Single Premium investments. Existing customers cannot switch their existing investments into the Capital Protection Fund or invest a new Single Premium in the fund.   These restrictions apply to existing funds invested with Irish Life and to new funds invested in the future.   An existing investor can of course switch… Continue reading →

Majority of Irish people are saving again, but unaware of potential extra value in pensions

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64% of Irish people have savings, but a third claim to have no savings at all More women are saving compared to men (67% versus 59%) 43% of people who save put away over €100 a month 42% of consumers who intend to start saving could afford to save €80 to €100 a month* Ireland’s saving habits have been revealed in recent research* by Irish Life. Just under two thirds of Irish people are actively saving and have some savings, and in contrast, a third of… Continue reading →

"Life Choir" - Second overall at the National Workplace Choir of the Year competition

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Our staff choir, the "Life Choir", had a fantastic achievement recently, coming second overall at the National Workplace Choir of the Year competition, run in association with Lyric FM and held in University Concert Hall, Limerick.    Out of 20 choirs competing, Life Choir beat off stiff competition from groups from NTMA and Primark and a number of hospitals and other public sector groups. The result was particularly admirable as this was the choir's first competitive outing… Continue reading →

More than half of working adults in Ireland say they do not have a company pension plan available

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New research* conducted by Irish Life gives an insight into the pension status of Ireland’s workforce. Just 46% of working adults say there is a company pension plan available for them at work and, where there is such a plan, 76% of people are saving into a company pension. Nearly half of all workers who make savings into a group pension plan (49%) are aware of the amount that their employer pays into the plan. From the research, younger workers seem more aware of their contribution levels… Continue reading →

Shortlisted for the All Ireland Marketing Awards

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We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted in the Corporate Social Responsibility category for the All Ireland Marketing Awards.  So watch this space and check out our award wins here.